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"Don’t let your circumstances define your happiness. One thing I’m super grateful for in my family is my mom always talked about being happy. My mom had bone marrow cancer and so she was super sick for a really long time, but she was always happy and she was always super positive. She passed away two and a half years ago now, but that was something that was huge for her. She had this little necklace that said, ‘I can do hard things.’ And she had so many trials and so many things, so many reasons she had not be happy, but she was always really happy. That’s something that I try to remember in my life, because I haven’t had anything as hard as she had obviously.

Something that helped me get through it is remembering that that moment is so small in the grand scheme of things, and that if we can get through that moment, there are so many more happy things to come. So many more things to look forward to. You’ll be ok."